- Beeswax Distressing Block
- Beeswax Distressing Block
- Beeswax Distressing Block
- Beeswax Distressing Block
- Beeswax Distressing Block
Beeswax Distressing Block
- €8.95
Do you like the distressed look, but hate the sanding, rubbing and actual action to create that distress look?
These Beeswax Blocks are the answer to your distressing problems. Just rub the block against the edges, corners etc of your furniture prior to painting it. Apply your chosen Fusion colour and once dry or the next day (don't wait too long now as Fusion's resin is tough and durable), use a lint free cloth to rub away the areas where you applied wax with your Beeswax Block. (Remember to note where you have applied the wax!)
Not only does this save a lot of elbow greese, but there will be no paint dust floating in the air and sandpaper particles making your work environment a lot healthier and cleaner.
The wax block is also ideal for rubbing along the tops and bottoms of sticky wooden drawers to help them open and close more smoothly.